On Mon Sep 29, 2003 at 11:37:22PM +0200, Buchan Milne wrote:

> > This is what @linux-mandrake.com addresses are for.
> But again, there is no documented policy (and maybe even the resitrictions 
> on what you should use it for) anywhere, so people don't know how to get 
> one.

Hasn't it always been to email Lenny and ask?

> <hint>
> Of course, it should be possible to have the entire development 
> infrastructure in LDAP, which (if administered well) could allow more 
> scalability in managing rights of contributors etc. It would also allow 
> more public advertising of the infrastructure support Mandrake can provide 
> as an IT solution.
>  </hint>

A discussion for another day... =)  A *lot* of work would have to be done to
make everything able to authenticate against LDAP.  The build machines
should be easy enough, but to have stuff like Club, Expert, Anthill,
Bugzilla, etc. also authenticate against LDAP... now that would be a little

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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