On Wed, 2003-10-15 at 06:30, Buchan Milne wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Diego Iastrubni wrote:
> > ...and of course i forgot the link... sorry :(
> >
> >
> http://iglu.org.il/pub/Hebrew/diego/kdevelop/kdevelop-3.0-cvs_15_10_2003.i586.rpm
> I would suggest %{name}-%{version}-0.cvsYYYYMMDD.1mdk.i586.rpm
> Such as:
> http://ranger.dnsalias.com/mandrake/9.1/grass/grass51-5.7-0.cvs20031011.1mdk.i586.rpm
> The idea is to ensure that the release number increases monotonically,
> and is always less than what an official release (1mdk) would be
> (according to rpm ...). That way, no-one will ever have to use --force
> or --oldpackage.
> The only way to get a date to increase monotonically is to have year
> before month before day.

Something seems strange in the spec file:


1. The trailing / is likely to cause ugly things,
2. My qtdocs seem to be in %_docdir/qt-3.1.2/doc/html
3. Detail: tabs are painful, I'd prefer spaces.
4. s/dependy/dependency
5. Why did you remove the c/c++ reference?

I'd really like to find some time to try this new version. I read on the
wxWindows site that kdevelop-3.0 can create wxGTK projects. Is that
true, has anyone tried it?

Have a good one,
 _       _ _   _
| |_____| | |_/ |
| / / -_) | / / |
|_\_\___|_|_\_\_| @ sbcglobal.net, support doen't know linux is an OS

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