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Jan Ciger wanted us to know:

>| Never call a ntp server with cron! This is the best way to overload a ntp
>| server if several people do that.
>I think that the original idea was not to have non-stop synchronized
>clock (aka ntpd) but just the possibility to e.g. once a day synchronize
>clock with some external server. For desktop machines, this is usually

Change your thinking to a large scale sysadmin.  Set up an NTP service
on one of your boxen and then configure all of your clients to sync in
whatever way you want to your local master.

>To avoid the server overload (100+ machines syncing their clock at the
>same time), the script could be smart and randomize the time when it

No need.  Again, set up your own NTP server, make all the local machines
sync to that one local master.
- -- 
Blue skies...           Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   | Security is like an onion.  It's made   |
| http://www.mrball.net  | up of several layers and makes you cry. |
| http://faq.mrball.net  |                         --Howard Chu    |
Linux kernel 2.4.22-10mdk   load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: http://www.mrball.net/todd.asc


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