On Tuesday 05 November 2002 08:41 am, Faraj Meir wrote:
> There is a lot of things Still to do :
> *  first font are Very Ugly....

I'd expect to see this fixed well before 9.1

> * good rootkit integrated scanner (it's equivalent to antivirus for linux)

Comes with chkrootkit (don't know if you'd consider that good, as such, but it 
is a rootkit scanner)

> * lacks of commercial apps that exist only in windows OS

Not relevant.

> * good CDRecording tools like Nero (I know that there are a lot but not
> good and simple as nero)

Feel free. I recommend calling your Nero replacement `Point-n-Crisp'. I would 
make it come up in a simple wizardy-looking mode that did basic things like 
clone CDs, and save the more complicated picking-files-to-include modes for 
later implementation (since we already have xcdroast, gnome-toaster etc for 

> * too many programs for each type ...
>    hum... it will be good to put only one of each type

I liked the `What do you want to do?' menu idea.

Nevertheless, these are all tangential to the main purpose: a migration tool. 
What would you have just a migration tool do?

Cheers; Leon

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