On Wednesday 27 November 2002 05:18 pm, John Allen wrote:
> I'm using Cooker with KDE 3.1, and Anti-Aliasing enabled with the
> Luxi Sans [xft] font, and the desktop looks just magic. No Microsoft
> fonts needed whatsoever. I think the latest Qt anti-aliasing is just
> fantastic.

So _with_ the fonts as well, does the desktop look even spiffier, or does it 
become in some way overdone?

I've been having reasonably good luck with drakfont RUN FROM THE COMMAND LINE 
and a whole batch of cheap, grotty, freeware fonts. They print nicely and 
all. The one fly in the ointment is some fonts break the font-directory 
makers in various ways. A bit more checking is needed as I would rather be 
short a font or few than have the whole show stop for a broken one.

Cheers; Leon

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