Some corrections below...


From: "Thomas Backlund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- I used my own cd-set created with MakeCD of my local
  mirror rsynced as of  this morning 01.00 EET (6 CD's including contribs)
- Should gendistrib be used before MakeCD, or is it only for net/hd
  ( since the MakeCD does not put unresolved dependecies on the disks)

- The system is:
     -Asus A7N8X DeLuxe nforce2 motherboard
     - AMD XP 1800+
     - Geforce4 Ti4200
     - Maxtor 120GB HDD with 8MB cache

2.Choose install language...
- I chose Finnish
- Select Advanced...
- All options are selected (deselecting 'all' at the bottom didn't
   unselect any, had to be done one by one

   ( I wanted to add Swedish and English UTF-8 )

3.Mouse Configuration...
 - Logitech MouseMan+ not identified correctly, wheel wont work
 - If you go back and try to select a different mouse, for example the
   Standard, it wont work anymore, you have to use the first selected
   one to get the mouse to work.

4.Partitioning – Formatting...
- I didn't try to repartition anything, since ATM there are some 'horror
   stories' what the MDK partitioning has done to manyharddisk partition
   tables..., so I just selected what partitions to install to, and
   selected to format the root partition.
- Now this is fun... bad sector/cluster checking is ON BY DEFAULT,
  wich I also noticed, when clicking the advanced button , so it will
  take 'forever' to get my 15G rootpartition formatted.

5.Package Selection...
- The 'Individual Package Selection' option is ignored, the install starts
   directly, after selecting main package groups, and choosing 'next'

6.On the summary screen, not all lines use the Finnish translations
   ( even if the file used is one that is 100% translated)
 - Bootloader
 - Graphical Interface

7.Graphical Interface...
- since X is not installed, I click on this, and get to choose my system
     - I Chose my monitor, a 17” Belinea 107035
     - I chose Geforce (fbdev) since I have a Geforce4 Ti4200
     - The only color option is 16bit colours (is this a limitation of
- When returning to the summary, the 'not configured' has changed to
  'x 0bpp'

8.Choose Services to start at boot time...
- The selection area is to larger than the space allocated, and therefore
   the buttons on the bottom does not show. I only get it to work since I
   now how to use them using keyboard only.

- 'linux' boot hangs with:
     - mount: error 6 mounting ext3 flags Kernel panic: no init found
- 'linux noapic' hangs at the same point... as 'linux'
- 'Failsafe' gets the system going a little bit longer... until:
     - it tries to read the disk: 'hda: no response (status = 0xfe)',
       and  then hangs with the same error as 'linux'

10. so to summarize, there is no way to boot the current cooker on the
      above hardware, but MDK 9.0 worked on it...

Thats all for now...


* If nothing else works, read the manual ... ... ...

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