Full log:

Actions and Shares:
-- We will explore using OM Bugzilla for Kanban or similar board for
"To Do" and other lists and for tracking progress of "To Do" and other

-- Github will not be used for reporting bugs, issue tracking, or any
kind of Official lists

-- We will continue to discuss some method of enforcing that people
all use TC-Meeting for decisions and that written policy is followed.
This written policy:
https://wiki.openmandriva.org/en/Policies/Repository_Policies and any
additional policy we agree upon in TC-Meeting and publish in OM wiki

-- TC-Meetings will remain the Official place for decision making for
OM the distro. Discussion of issues to take place both in TC-Meetings
and on Cooker ML but decisions are not Official until so stated in

-- OM Bugzilla will continure to be used for ALL bug reporting and
issue tracking

-- OM will leave or otherwise free ourselves from dependence on github
as soon as we feasibly can do so

Best regards,
Cooker mailing-list

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