we've had 6.3 in cooker for about 2 weeks -- so this is already done...

And while they don't build 32bit binaries, the source builds there just fine.


On Thursday, August 22, 2019 21:41 CEST, Raphaël Jadot <r...@hodo.fr> wrote:

> Hi, Libreoffice comes with its usual improvements, but I think we (we as a 
> group, of course I know I'm not directly in «we» ;) ) should try to provide 
> the release 6.3 because of the improvement of the compatibility with 
> KDE/Plasma 5: 
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/6.3#KDE_5_.2B_Qt5 This 
> inlcudes, but is not limited to (quoting):
>  *     better integration of extensions by eliminating most of 
> multi-threading and deadlock problems *     OpenGL support *     better 
> drag’n’drop support, including external drag’n’drop from file manager *     
> improved rendering of slides and slideshows with multimedia content in 
> Impress *     support for typing with input method editor (IME) *     
> miscellaneous improvements of native menu barNote that there will be no 
> 32bits version of Libreoffice 6.3 produced by TDF (6.2 was the last). Maybe a 
> reason more to drop x86? -- Raphaël J.

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