Japanese Rosy Pickled Ginger (Gari)
 (Originally from the _Washington Post_ Food Section)

 1 pound unpeeled baby ginger (in oriental groceries) or peeled regular ginger
    (Note: regular ginger tends to be stronger and tougher, but works
     quite well anyway)

 Peel (if necessary), rinse, and pat dry.
 Put in a bowl and coat with about a heaping tablespoon of salt
 (preferably the pickling variety).  Set in a cool place for 24 hours.

 (24 hours later:)
 1/2 cup sugar
 2 cups rice vinegar (unseasoned light)
 1 cup less 2 tablespoons water

 Dissolve sugar in rice vinegar and water.  Put into a 6-cup resealable
 glass jar (I use the kind with the lever-action wire closure and rubber
 seal ring).  Rinse the salt off the ginger and pat dry.  Put ginger into
 vinegar/sugar solution.  Close jar and refrigerate at least a week.

 The vinegar will turn the ginger a rosy pink.  Just before serving, slice
 thinly with the grain.

 You can keep a jar of this going indefinitely by replenishing the ginger
 and vinegar/sugar solution as it is used.
Julie Morales
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