One really good hint for dishwashers is to make sure that things don't touch much. Also make sure that the dirty surfaces of the dishes can be hit by water spraying from the nozzles. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jean Marcley" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 7:45 PM
Subject: [CnD] loading a dishwasher

I usually load the bottom part first with plates and silverware. I put only
the sharp knives like steak knives in point down, everything else I put in
handle down.  I like to keep spoons together, forks, serving spoons, etc.
It's easier to unload.
I feel how the rows of prongs go in the dishwasher and then start putting in
the plates.  I like to keep them in neat rows also to make it easier to
Then I pull out the top shelf and begin putting glasses in with the top of
the glass facing the bottom of the dishwasher; same for cups and cereal
bols.  Some cooking utensils like slotted spoons, tongs, big stirring
spoons, can lay down on the top shelf.  Anything plastic also goes on this
shelf - like measureing cups and storage containers (make sure they are
dishwasher safe and you have to ask a sighted person).
I like to use premeasured packets probably of dishwasher detergent and I
don't use a softener to prevent spotting.
After a while, you'll get better at it when you use the same dishwasher all the time. Do not put wooden utensils or wooden-handled knives in the dw. I
NEVER put sharp knives in even if they are dw safe so that I don't cut
myself when I am putting the dishes away.
So, there ya go.  Hope this helps.
I use my hands to feel where things go and it takes probably 3 times as long
as for a sighted person.  I don't care.

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