I am especially looking for baking recipes such as you mentioned from your 
family and grandmother. Thank you very very much and if there is a way that us 
the public could be helpful to you I would like to be one of them! Hello Julie, 
I thank you very much for the book that you have sent me and it is very 
interesting. I need to learn my Microsoft office search command so I can skip 
by heading and category but there are some wonderful recipes in there. I am a 
blind coffee roaster I own my own coffee company and roast all of my coffee, 
and I am wondering if I could have some of the other books that you spoke of in 
a previous message?

Sent from my iPhone this time 

> On Jan 27, 2014, at 5:16 AM, Julie <jjchephone...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I had no idea the book was going to get such a response, and I thank you all 
> for that, I still have many to send out.  A few of you have asked about the 
> others, so I decided to take a quick minute to explain them all.  
> All of the books are available, hey, as long as my computer does not crash, 
> or have a hard drive fail, I will have them forever.  One is diabetic, it 
> contains recipes from breakfasts, sandwiches, meat dinners, snacks, desserts, 
> etc. there are 20 different categories in that collection.  The vegetarian 
> book was done solely for my daughter-in-law as a gift, so it has everything 
> from A to Z, not broken down into categories, because for me, it was a little 
> difficult to do that, she eats no meat, so there were no chicken, pork, etc 
> categories.  I would like some day to attempt to separate those a little 
> more, but right now, they are simply A to Z but it is probably my largest 
> book with about 300 pages.  The international recipe book is divided by 
> country and 42 countries are represented, with about 1200 recipes. I have two 
> family recipe books, one each that originated from two sides of my family.  
> My great grandmother owned, and run a bakery, and created
> every one of her recipes.  On the other side of my family, my father and his 
> family came directly from over seas, and grandma created most of her own 
> recipes too, so they were a bit difficult to sort out, because many of these, 
> like some of the amazing cookies, I have never been able to find anything 
> like them in the US. I also have a collection of recipes for the blind and 
> visually impaired, that has rather simple but delicious tried and true 
> recipes from myself and many other members of a support group I used to run.  
> They had been collecting recipes for several years, in hope of one day making 
> a book, and I put it all together for them, and had it published, it was 
> given away to anyone who wanted it, at no cost.  There is never a cost too 
> any of my collections, I do not feel that is why I do them.  I just love 
> recipes, creating them, and putting them together for others to enjoy.  So 
> there you have the list.  I have done a few others for other
> families, but I do not feel at liberty to share those.  I am presently 
> working on completing a crock pot recipe book, which has only 10 different 
> categories, but nearly 3000 recipes so far.  I am also finishing a copycat 
> recipe book, but most of those are copycats others have provided with a few 
> of my own.  It represents about 308 different restaurants, and well over 5320 
> recipes at this point.  I try not to go small on anything, smiles. 
> Julie  
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