I want to start by disagreeing with you regarding how we need to
learn. I taught myself how to cook when I was  nine or ten years old.
I don't agree with you in that blind people need to be taught a bit at
a time.
Depending on the type of restaurant, their is lots your wife can do.
For example she can work on the line. Depending on her sight I am not
sure that running the grill would be the best idea. She can also do a
lot of the food prep.
Their is nothing stopping her from owning a restaurant. The only
reason I haven't done it is that I don't want to work that many hours.
She would need to find employees that she can really trust. That is
probably the hardest part of running this type of business. It is even
more important for a blind person since their are things we can't see
such as cleanliness, Whether people are stealing from us, and how well
staff are performing.
She may also want to consider joining the Randolf Shepard program in
your State if it is run well.

On 12/4/15, Parham Doustdar via Cookinginthedark
<cookinginthedark@acbradio.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> As a programmer, I started programming before I even knew my
> limitations. I didn't know what the blind can and cannot do when it
> comes to programming, and I frankly didn't care: programming was fun and
> I did it, and that was all that mattered.
> However, when it comes to food-related stuff, for most stuff, you need
> to get training, and you need to know what you can do better than
> others, and what you're not so good at, and what you definitely cannot
> do, so that you can do what is called "targeted learning", where you
> slim down what you're going to learn to what you will absolutely need,
> and go for them.
> My spouse who is completely blind likes to one day own a restaurant.
> Even if she doesn't achieve this goal, she enjoys reading about food,
> learning how to cook, and so on. I've read that there are blind
> restaurant owners and chefs and so on, and this email is for those people.
> Since you guys are much more experienced at this than I am, can you help
> her decide what to learn? What positions in a restaurant are
> blind-friendly, to coin a term?
> Best,
> Parham
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