...and I used to think "House of Cards" was fiction.
Kindest regards,


On 16/09/2016 10:58, Michael Oghia wrote:
> To be completely frank, as a US citizen living in Europe, I could not
> be more disgusted with Cruz's behavior. Even though I try to stay as
> politically neutral as possible, I am more than happy to express my
> feelings about this because I can and should criticize someone
> misrepresenting my passport country and spreading false information as
> he does.
> I'm sincerely sorry you have to witness this spectacle. It is
> beyond embarrassing.
> -Michael
> On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Nurani Nimpuno <nur...@netnod.se
> <mailto:nur...@netnod.se>> wrote:
>     > On 15 Sep 2016, at 16:06, Jim Reid <j...@rfc1035.com
>     <mailto:j...@rfc1035.com>> wrote:
>     >
>     >
>     >> On 15 Sep 2016, at 14:44, Johan Helsingius <j...@julf.com
>     <mailto:j...@julf.com>> wrote:
>     >>
>     >> it has become a veritable soap opera...
>     >
>     > I thought it always was a soap opera.
>     >
>     > FWIW I watched yesterday’s hearing. [Yes, I need to get out
>     more.] Cruz’s conduct was  disgraceful and shameless. His
>     whatabootery was off the scale.
>     >
>     > Strickling and Marby were asked questions equivalent to “is it
>     true you’ve stopped battering your wife?”. They carefully avoided
>     rising to his bait. Cruz’s sock puppets were asked “do you agree
>     it will be bad if Russia, Iran and China get control of the
>     Internet?”. Cruz threatened NTIA staff and accused them of
>     breaking the law. Elected politicians simply shouldn’t attack
>     blameless civil servants like that and certainly not in public.
>     Agreed. I was glad to see that they didn't get sucked into trying
>     to answer some of those rather absurd questions.
>     > He was pursuing his own flawed agenda and ignored anything that
>     contradicted that. His starting assumption is/was remarkable: USG
>     is compelled to uphold the US First Amendment (free speech) and
>     that somehow this extends to ICANN because of the IANA contract
>     with NTIA.
>     Indeed. I must at that I thought both Strickling and DelBianco
>     were brilliant. I have never seen Strickling quite so animated.
>     Their explanations were clear and straightforward and very
>     eloquent. But clear explanation of the facts only works on people
>     who are interested in understanding the facts of course. Let's
>     hope reason prevails. :)
>     > Much as it pains me to say this, Kieren’s article in The
>     Register absolutely nails it:
>     >
>     >
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/09/14/ted_cruz_in_wrongheaded_internet_crusade/
> <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/09/14/ted_cruz_in_wrongheaded_internet_crusade/>
>     I also share your pain. :)
>     Nurani
>     >

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond, PhD

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