
I've been using 10.5.2 plus the X11 2.1.4 update from the Xquartz site, & I haven't had problems with freezing lately, I _think_ not since this update. The main problem is that Exposé doesn't work properly

not much help ...


(looking at a white Easter outside the bedroom window)

On 23 Mar 2008, at 01:01, William Scott wrote:

Hi Folks:

I know I've asked before, but it is so frustrating to lose an hour of work, trying to convince myself that I won't get reamed this time. But I keep going back, like to some sort of abusive codependent relationship, to put it into California terms.

I'm using a molecular graphics model building crystallography program called coot, but this happens with enough other X11 applications that I don't think it is the fault of coot. Prior to OS X 10.5, I never ever had a problem with X11.

If I try to resize a window while the program is loading, it is a guarantee that the Xserver will freeze. However, if I try to be real careful, I can start to get work done, but then when some window or pop-up menu appears, a half hour or an hour into a session of work, I'll get a random freeze.

I'm running 10.5.2 on intel (but this happens on all my 10.5.2 computers, ppc and intel) and the latest X11 from the update page, and when I sample the frozen processes I get this as output:

<Sample of X11.txt>


My kids want to know why I swear at the computer so much. I'm almost ready to reformat the disk and install ubuntu linux.


Bill Scott

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