Frank von Delft wrote:
I dont know which version of Coot you use, but usually you can move the
separator between the maps and molecules up and down (indicated by a few
dots under the map bottom scroll bar). In this way you can make the
space you want.
Well, I second the request: it could auto-size, and save me a few annoying mouse-click-and-drags.


While we're at it: the text boxes don't resize sensibly when you drag the window wider -- I forget what it does (actually, I can't figure it out), but it is totally non-intuitive and hides buttons and things. (May not be easy to fix, I realise.)

That will go away in the Great Display Manager Redesign.

Also, I think that a button in the display manager by which one could control wether or not the molecule's symmetries are visible would be very nice.

We could think about this, however the 'Display Manager' is kind of
crowded as it is and we may not want to make it worse... (N.B. we are
thinking about some rework of the display manager anyway, maybe there
will be space then...).
Well, maybe it helps to think the other way round: little is more important than having quick and easy control of what's shown, what the colours are, how to declutter, etc etc. -- i.e. exactly the display manager. So you can hardly have that thing too cluttered: if it gives the control, all is good.


Btw, I thought pymol had a relatively elegant solution (although not the final word). And many commercial programs tend to have a proper tree, which I've found is the best way to do it.

I don't know the commercial programs of which you speak (or pymol, come to that) but ccp4mg has a tree - sort of - and we were thinking to do something like that.


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