Hi All. 

I am running the latest release of COOT on my Mac running 10.6.4 from X11 
quartz installed using Bill Scott's fink instructions. It runs fine. I have 
just begun using scripts generated by Molprobity or just looking through my 
models to make corrections based upon the drawing of probe dots. That all works 
fine as well. However, I have found that COOT and X11 freezes after several 
corrections of sites (on average I would say about 10-15 corrections). 
Everything freezes - screen and X11. I have to then force quite X11 to regain 
control of things and start fresh. I began by just using the COOT backups or 
saving a new set of corrected coordinates after each fix but obviously this 
will take quite some time to thoroughly improve a large model. I am including 
the recommended .coot file I found on the Molprobity site. If anyone has any 
suggestions on how to eliminate these freezes I would be eternally grateful!

(define *probe-command* 
(define *reduce-command* 
(set-do-probe-dots-on-rotamers-and-chis 1)
(set-do-probe-dots-post-refine 1)


Joe Noel

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