On 16 Nov 2010, at 13:22, Paul Emsley wrote:

> Dear Phil,
> Sorry for the delay, I am only just back from somewhat extensive travels.
> On 01/11/10 12:26, Phil Evans wrote:
>> If I "colour by chain" (my preferred option), metal ions disappear
> Thanks for the notification of this bug.  It is fixed now, rev 3245.


>> also is there any way of refining a zone around a metal ion without the 
>> sidechains vanishing into the metal density? I know the refine-by-sphere 
>> ("R") option works better, but then I have no control over what I'm refining
> Sphere refine is simply a thin layer around the refine-residues function 
> which takes a list of residue specs - that gives you enough control, I hope.  
> (You can also trivially change the "radius" in sphere refine.)
> Paul.

How do you change the radius?

I had a long chat to Bernhard about this. My feeling is that in order to avoid 
"user consternation" ((c) George Sheldrick), RS refinement in Coot should 
_never_ move something into space already occupied by another part of the same 
molecule (zero occupancy excepted). I realise there are implementation 
difficulties, but I do think this is a major problem.


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