On 25/08/11 15:04, Priit Eek wrote:
I wonder if anybody has actually gotten the 3DConnexion SpaceNavigator to work 
with Coot..

Not to my knowledge.

My understanding is that we were waiting for useful support of the device at the X11 level. If that is in place, then Coot can be tweaked to respond to the device events in a matter of hours (I guess and if I had one to test, that is).

Apparently it is not yet supported by Coot itself, but the newest software of 
the device lets you assign different keystrokes to all the movement axes and 
emulate mouse movement (kinda funkily tho), and have different settings for 
each program (in my case X11, as I'm on OS X). It would also mean that some 
custom configuration on Coot's side would be needed, I guess..

If that is the case, you can do it all in scripting (like the Griffin Powermate).

If anybody has done this, would he/she care to share the configuration? On the 
other side, will this device be supported by Coot anytime soon, which would 
cancel the need for custom solutions?

You'd need to do things like:

(add-key-binding "Rotate Scene Y" "%" (lambda () (rotate-y-scene 10 0.2)))

And on the device side, you'd need to make it emit a "%" when rotated clockwise.
what fun!

Right now UCSF Chimera and MacPyMOL support the device, so those programs could 
be looked into for examples. I'd appreciate any information you have on this.

Well, that is interesting.  I wonder if UCSF is using X11...

OK, I am now wondering if there is any money left in the hardware account or if I have blown it all :)


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