On 25.08.2011, at 17:35, Paul Emsley wrote:
> You'd need to do things like:
> (add-key-binding "Rotate Scene Y" "%" (lambda () (rotate-y-scene 10 0.2)))
> And on the device side, you'd need to make it emit a "%" when rotated 
> clockwise.
> etc.
> what fun!

Well, I tried if scripting would do the trick and tweaked what I could, but it 
seems it just doesn't play out right. Just tapping the mapped key on keyboard 
does the trick, but pressing it types the character too fast and coot keeps 
spinning for a while after releasing. There is an option to make the 
SpaceNavigator send the stroke like a certain number of times per second, but 
it doesn't really do it well and for some reason gets stuck after a while so it 
keeps on typing the letter forever until the device is disconnected. Could be 
that the drivers are buggy (the latest are beta).

>> Right now UCSF Chimera and MacPyMOL support the device, so those programs 
>> could be looked into for examples. I'd appreciate any information you have 
>> on this.
> Well, that is interesting.  I wonder if UCSF is using X11...

I don't think so. Although the SpcaeNavigator is supposed to work with Chimera 
in Linux as well.
The pure X11 PyMOL doesn't work with the 3d mouse, but the MacPyMOL X11Hybrid 
version does, I don't really know how all that works though :P


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