On 18/11/13 13:26, Felix Frolow wrote:

I have a very large complex of proteins and I would like to use COOT to apply NCS edits in the case where the “master copy” is not chain A of my complex but any given chain.

The script that I currently use (example only, actual number of molecules is much larger)

(copy-residue-range-from-ncs-master-to-chains 0 "A" 1 500 (list "B" "C" "D" "E"))

works only for A but for this I need to temporarily rename molecules, making any molecule I wish to be "master" also to be "A".

It is O.K. to do this renaming once or twice, but not convenient if the extensive rebuilding of the complex is considered.

I see what you mean.  Yes, this is awkward.

*Q1. Is there currently a possibility to use a different chain as the master for the NCS edits in COOT? *

*No.  It is an oversight.  Sorry.


*Q2. If so, could someone please let me know how? *

*- *

*Q3. If not, would it be possible to program this into Coot for the future for complicated cases? *

*Yes, indeed. This bug/problem/oversight needs to be fixed. Ihave made a note.


*Q4. Is there another option, not COOT?*

*I think that something in Phenix can do it.


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