On 07/03/14 14:05, Schubert, Carsten [JRDUS] wrote:
Thanks Paul,

I'll give that a try. Is there any similar mechanism to load a global 
initialization file(s) under scheme as there is for Python, e.g. can I define a 
similar directory to COOT_PYTHON_EXTRAS_DIR but just for scheme commands. It 
would make the life of our sysadmins and users a bit easier if some settings 
and macros could be administered centrally through this mechanism.

COOT_SCHEME_EXTRAS_DIR, it can be the same directory, just give the extension .scm rather than .py

BTW, coding in scheme gives me the heebie jeebies :-),  any way this little 
misbehavior can be changed in future releases?

It would be desirable to allow the setting to be made in python. I've made a note.


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