On 06/09/2017 18:22, Paul Emsley wrote:

 Similar case for
ligands...the ligand button short cut is pretty good, but if I navigate off the ligand to look at surroundings, the next click of the heteroatom /ligand center button will likely have reset to the top of the list, and with cofactors in all copies that can be 16 clicks until I get back to through the cycle.

:-) Yes.  This could be better.

You could probably make a script for "Quick View Save" and "Go To Last View" - I imagine that would do most of what you want.

Script attached.  Put it in your ~/.coot-preferences directory.

When you centre on a ligand to which you think that you might want to return, 
press Shift L.
Shift U will return you to the last saved view.  All the views can be recalled 
in the Views Panel:
Extensions -> Views -> Views Panel...


(add-key-binding "Quick View Save" "L"
   (lambda ()
      (let* ((rn (residue-name aa-imol aa-chain-id aa-res-no aa-ins-code))
             (view-label (string-append aa-chain-id " " (number->string 
aa-res-no) " " rn)))
        (add-view-here view-label)))))

(add-key-binding "Back to Last View" "U"
   (lambda ()
     (let ((vn (- (n-views) 1)))
       (go-to-view-number vn 0))))

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