On 15/04/2020 22:07, Green, Todd Jason wrote:

I have a peptide with an O-linked disaccharide that I would like to model and/or dock to a protein binding partner. I can generate the glycopeptide. So, I wanted to first try and manually dock it to the protein. For the manual docking, I was wondering if there is a tool for coot or another graphics program to apply a series of preferred conformation to the glycans (in relation to the protein side chain to which it is linked), somewhat like you would do for a side chain rotamer. This is pure ab initio modeling, ie. not into electron density. Anyone have a suggestion?

The tools in Coot for O-linked carbohydrate are not implemented as they are for N-linked carbohydrate. Not today at least. So what you want to do is not easy in Coot.

Maybe Glycan Builder can help:


Once you have your initial model, there are several O-linked links in the dictionary, FUC-THR, NAG-THR, MAN-THR, NAG-SER so they should just work.  Then you can use multi-residue torsion. JED-Flip and regularization - but there is nothing carbohydrate-specific about that.



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