Update, no-guile build version passed, but I dont see the icons :-)


On 10/20/21 14:04, Jan Stransky wrote:
> Hi,
> since CCP4-bundled Coot is not  working in the second latest Ubuntu
> (21.04), I went into the adventure of building it my own, using the
> build-it script.
> Everything builds an works (as far as I can tell) up to the point  of
> building Coot it self. The log congratulates me on using Guile, and then
> it fails to find it:
> checking for mmdb2... yes
> checking for ssm... yes
> no
> checking for non-prefixed single-precision FFTW2 (fftw.h)... yes
> checking for Clipper... yes
> Congratulations, you are using Guile
> checking for guile... no
> configure: error: guile required but not found
> make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
> make failed.
> Any ideas? Let me know in which log would you be interested.
> Thanks,
> Jan
> P.S. list of packages installed based on various sources:
> cmake libxext-dev libxmu-dev libxt-dev libc6-dev libncurses5-dev
> libglu1-mesa-dev libjpeg-dev mesa-common-dev libgtk2.0-dev
> libgnomecanvas2-dev gfortran libtinfo-dev
> --
> Jan Stránský, PhD.
> Institute of Biotechnology, AS CR
> Centre of Molecular Structure
> Průmyslová 595
> 252 50 Vestec
> Czech Republic
> Email: jan.stran...@ibt.cas.cz
> Phone: +420 325 873 788
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Jan Stránský, PhD.
Institute of Biotechnology, AS CR
Centre of Molecular Structure
Průmyslová 595
252 50 Vestec
Czech Republic

Email: jan.stran...@ibt.cas.cz
Phone: +420 325 873 788


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