Hi Vincent,

> is it possible to add alternate conformation to a residue range, not just one
> residue?
> I have a loop that has 2 main conformations and I would like to model both as
> alt res for a 20 residues stretch. What would be the best way to do this?

I had a similar scenario and thought it would be good to have a function for 
this. You should find in python scripting the following.



# Duplication of a given residue range (in alt conf of course)
def duplicate_residue_range(imol, chain_id, res_no_start, res_no_end,
    This function duplicates the given residue range and makes two
    alternative conformations of it. The occupancies are split 50:50 by

        imol: molecule number
        chain_id: chain
        res_no_start: start of residue range
        res_no_end: end of residue range
    Keyword Args:
        occ_split: alt conformation occupancy for alt conf A (default 0.5)

> Thank you
> Vincent
> --
> Vincent Chaptal, PhD
> Director of GdR APPICOM
> Drug Resistance and Membrane Proteins Lab
> MMSB -UMR5086
> 7 passage du Vercors
> 69007 LYON
> +33 4 37 65 29 01
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Dr. Bernhard Lohkamp | Associate Professor/Lektor/Docent

Div. Molecular Structural Biology/Biomedicum D9
Dept. of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB) |
Karolinska Institutet
SE-171 77 Stockholm
+46 8 52487055
bernhard.lohk...@ki.se | ki.se

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