Thank you Paul for the clarification and for the key binding script!

On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 10:20 AM Paul Emsley <>

> On 26/01/2022 13:20, Philip Kiser wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Thank you for the guidance. Usually, the auto weight feature works fine
> for our projects, so it would be nice to be able to set the weight with the
> push of a button as opposed to always having to click in the
> Refine/Regularize control box. Having the command set up as a key
> binding would make it easier to switch the refinement weights based on the
> quality of the density map. If there is an easier way to do things that
> I've missed please let me know!
> Regards,
> Philip
> On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 7:24 PM Paul Emsley <>
> wrote:
>> On 25/01/2022 22:46, Philip Kiser wrote:
>> > Dear Coot Users,
>> > Has anyone developed a key binding that will automatically set the
>> weight matrix refinement weight to the value that is obtained using the
>> "Estimate" option? If so I would really appreciate you sharing it.
>> This is easy to do - but why would you want to do it!?
>> set_matrix(estimate_map_weight(imol_refinement_map()))
> Hi Philip,
> "Always having to set the weight" - confusing comment. One need only do
> this once per project/directory and the setting is saved in the state file.
> If you change the refinement map using the "Map" button then the Estimate
> button is now there right between the combobox and the OK button.
> To answer your question though, see attached - stick it in your
> ~/.coot-preferences directory.
> Paul.


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