Could Andrew T please send an example of a data set that fails for testing?


On Wed, 30 Mar 2022 at 22:24, Paul Emsley <> wrote:

> On 29/03/2022 22:26, DeLaitsch, Andrew T. wrote:
> I am working on refining antibody-HIV-Env structures in COOT. The problem
> I have is that both antibodies and HIV-Env have standardized numbering
> systems (e.g. Kabat for antibodies and HXB2 for HIV-Env) which result in
> sequential residues in the protein's primary structure not having
> sequential numbering (e.g., residues numbered 143 and 152 should be
> connected by a peptide bond). When doing refinements in COOT, this
> non-sequential numbering causes problems, as the peptide bond is not formed
> and the residues get 'forced' apart from one another as the program thinks
> there should be more residues in-between the two. Is there a simple way to
> go about fixing this? Currently, my workaround is to renumber residues so
> that they are sequentially numbered, and then after the final refinement go
> into the PDB and change the numbering. However, this workaround is
> less-than-ideal as there are a many segments to renumber, and also I rely
> on the HXB2 numbering while doing the refinement to know which residues are
> which in my structure.
> Why is it that so many correspondents on this list don't mention the
> version of Coot that they are using, where the got it from or how I (or
> anyone) might reproduce the problem?
> Hmm.
> Paul.
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