Amr Awadallah wrote:
The way you describe it below works great for me, I must have misunderstood what (4) means, from Owen's email it said:

4. all to dev

as opposed to create/resolve to dev, and all to issues (which I am totally ok with and would work great for me).

Oops, I added a new option that I called (4), but should have called (5):

(4) Send create/resolve to -dev and all others to -issues (a new
list) plus prohibit all comment edits and permit comment deletion
only by admins.  (Closing is not generally interesting, since it's
only done to seal an issue once its included in a release.)

Lots of folks +1'd (4) after this, and I thought they were voting for my (4), not Owen's.

If anyone meant to vote for Owen's, not mine, please speak up.

Sorry for the confusion!


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