On 6/21/2012 11:04 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 21/06/2012 18:34, Joe Wang wrote:


When iterating over the service instances you are catching ConfigurationError

264 ServiceLoader loader = ServiceLoader.load(serviceClass, cl);
  265         final Iterator providers = loader.iterator();
  266         while (providers.hasNext()) {
  267             try {
  268                 Object provider = providers.next();
269 if (provider.getClass().getName().contains(fallbackClassName)) {
  270                     defaultProvider = provider;
  271                 } else {
  272                     return provider;
  273                 }
  274             } catch (ConfigurationError e) {
275 // This can happen because of class loader mismatch or any other reason.
  276                 // log and continue to next one
  277                 if (debug) {
278 dPrint("The provider can not be instantiated due to: " + e + ".");
  279                 }
  280             }
  281         }
Did you mean ServiceConfigurationError?

ConfigurationError is internally defined. It's a contract between the Factory and FactoryFinder classes. It seems to me it was a result of sharing the FactoryFinders and different exception types defined in the spec for different factories.
With ServicLoader then ServiceConfigurationError is thrown if there is a problem reading the service configuration file or the concrete type is not a sub-type or it cannot be instantiated.

With JAXP then I think most of the places it is specified to throw a JAXP <something>ConfigurationException when the provider cannot be instantiated (it seems to be silent as to issues encountered reading the service configuration file).

Minimally the above code will need to be changed to catch ServiceConfigurationError. Whether it ignores it and attempts to continue, or throws a JAXP ConfigurationError needs needs consideration. The existing behavior seems to be to ignore IOExceptions if there is a problem reading the service configuration file but I don't think it can distinguish this case when it gets a SCE. Therefore the safest thing may be to just throw ConfiguarationError and the callers of the factory finder call will translate it into the appropriate (and specified) JAXP *ConfigurationException.

Right, that's a mistake. It was SCE, somehow I managed to converted all to the original ConfigurationError.

The current sequence is:

1.         if service loader fails to load a provider, i.e. a SCE, the
   process continue to try the next provider if exists  -- it would
   have been a solution for 697514. A SEC would be thrown when an
   improper provider is encountered.
2.         if default provider is found, returns it only if there's no
   other providers
3.         if no provider found, return and the jaxp impl resolution
   process continues
4.         if no provider found after the whole process, report a
   xxxConfigurationException. The xxxConfigurationException can not
   therefore take the SCE in (1) as its cause.

(4) almost never happens in regular jdk, but it may in jigsaw.
(2) as what I did now, maybe incorrect, since the app classloader can actually load the jaxp default impl placed in the endorsed dir or bootclasspath. This change therefore would be incorrect for regular jdk. However, it is intended when the ri becomes a default module in jigsaw.

The original spec did not classify which classloader will be used. People learned that how it worked. I felt the same thing now with ServiceLoader. Now that it seems to me the 'findServiceProvider' process is dictated by the ServiceLoader. What I found was that it aggregated and delivered back all of the providers whether they are on classpath or bootclasspath or endorsed dir.

We're not considering this change for jdk7 or older, i.e. I haven't thought about fixing 6975142. For jdk8, it seems we have to live with the way it is in (2), a seemly incompatible behavior in backward compatible mode, although, it is a very rare case (I regret to have taught or sent standalone jar files to those customers :) ).



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