The recommended way to access a rowset is via the factory now.    For whatever 
reason the original authors chose not to provide a factory.

The connect() method has always been a method to be used internally by 
JdbcRowSetRIImpl and Rave.  There is no reason for a user of the API to ever 
have to call this method.   I can certainly update the javadocs for JdbcRowSet 
to use the factory but all of the examples as well as the tutorial always 
leveraged using the defined API.

On Sep 6, 2012, at 1:54 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:

> As the comment noted, the connect method was made protected for Rave 
> requirement but it's not defined in JdbcRowSet and BaseRowSet.  It's a method 
> specific to the RI and changing it to private is okay if they get an 
> JdbcRowSet instance by calling the rowset factory.  Alan's question prompts 
> me to look if anyone references JdbcRowSetImpl directly - I find that the 
> javax.sql.rowset.JdbcRowSet spec has the example to instantiate 
> JdbcRowSetImpl.  Is it still a supported or recommended way?  If so, there is 
> a potential compatibility risk; otherwise, it'd be good to update the spec to 
> remove reference to JdbcRowSetImpl.
> Mandy
> On 9/6/2012 10:21 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> Lance,
>> I see you've just pushed this but one thing I didn't spot initially is that 
>> in the second webrev you changed the protected connect method to be private. 
>> Is this a supported API and could this cause problems for JDBC drivers that 
>> extend this?
>> -Alan

Lance Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037
Oracle Java Engineering 
1 Network Drive 
Burlington, MA 01803

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