I see a 20% performance gain on server vm if switch to pure char[] based encoding and then use the sharedSecrets to avoid the copy. The dis-advantage is (1) have to use the sharedSecrets and (2) can't share the same between the encode(byte[])
and encode(String).

Anyway it appears to be an alternative for performance improvement.


On 10/18/2012 01:07 PM, Mike Duigou wrote:
I wonder if there would be advantage in using a SharedSecrets mechanism to 
allow construction of a String directly from a char array. The intermediate 
byte array seems wasteful especially for what is likely to be a heavily used 


On Oct 17 2012, at 19:10 , Xueming Shen wrote:


Webrev has been updated with following changes

(1) added a pair of en/decode(ByteBuffer src, ByteBuffer dst) methods
(2) some minor spec clarification regarding the "end of decoding"
(3) performance tuning.


some performance scores:


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