Hi all, I am working on bug JDK-6963118 <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6963118> .
Root Cause:
- Sensitive timing dependency between events in Main and Sleeper threads are causes for test failure.

Suggested Fix:
1) Main thread should wait for more than 1sec(made it 3sec) and check more often than 50ms(made it 1ms) intervals , sleeper thread may be still waiting for interrupt/wakeup hence main thread waiting for just 1sec to flag a failure is premature . The reason is especially on windows high priority virus scanners etc run(we faced it when simulating failures) and kept the system busy.
  2) The test is essentially a sequence of 2 events
  a)Firing up wakeups/interrupts followed by a
Check the sleeper.entries value and yield the main thread as required so that the above 2 events step in tandem.

The webrev is hosted at http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~cl/host_for_kal/6963118-Wakeup/ .
Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.



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