Am 27.03.2014 20:22, schrieb Steven Schlansker:

On Mar 27, 2014, at 9:35 AM, Jochen Theodorou <> wrote:

Am 26.03.2014 16:51, schrieb Guy Steele:
I am wholeheartedly in favor of allowing “chaining” of dotted expressions such 


this also shows a potential point of critic this proposal will have to find 
arguments against. This style highly encourages mutation of the object, which 
is not very functional. Since java8 java tries to be more functional, thus this 
idea would be totally against this new line.

I leave it to you guys if this is even a valid argument ;)

It would be much easier to convince people to do less mutation if the language 
had support for the Builder pattern or freezing objects.

I wanted to counter that people would probably complain about the huge amount of objects you create, but actually you can do this with a helper class producing a dummy, that then becomes the final object of the real class once you freeze or otherwise fixate it. Well, the details don't really matter. But yes, I agree... some language support here would help, though not sure how that would look like...

Currently working with nontrivial immutable objects quickly leads to a lot of 
boilerplate code that requires frustrating maintenance every time the object 
definition changes.

yeah, with the approach I sketched I can totally see that.

Adding both the implicit ‘this’ proposal as well as some syntax enhancements 
for immutable objects would strengthen the Java language quite a bit, in my 
opinion :)

And here I fail. If you need special support for the builder and freezer to produce some helper or something already, then you don't need the return 'this' for void at all. The helper would be generated and thus already have all the bits you want. Right now I am actually wondering if I should add that as a transform to Groovy. But well, this is Java.

For the part with immutable I agree again of course.


Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou - Groovy Project Tech Lead
german groovy discussion newsgroup: de.comp.lang.misc
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