
In an effort to determine APIs availability in a given version, it became obvious that a consistent way to express @since tag would be beneficial.

So started with the most obvious ones, where we have various expression for JDK version, this webrev make sure we use @since 1.n[.n] for JDK versions.

The main focus is on public APIs, private ones are taken care if it is straightforward, otherwise, we try to keep the information.

Some public APIs are using @since <STANDARD> <standard version> format, they are also preserved for now, but I think it worth discussion whether we want to change to the version as included in J2SE.

There are APIs without @since information, separate webrevs will be coming to complete those information.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8044740
The webrev can be found at

but it's probably easier just look into the raw diff,


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