On Feb 11, 2015, at 12:26 AM, John Rose <john.r.r...@oracle.com> wrote:
> On Feb 10, 2015, at 3:15 PM, Martin Buchholz <marti...@google.com> wrote:
>> I was surprised that System.arraycopy hasn't been specialized for every
>> array type.
>> I guess the JIT is good at specializing all callers.
> Yes.  Usually the arguments have specific static types the JIT can see.
> The Object formal type doesn't obscure this.
>> I don't know whether we will someday regret the explosion of array
>> comparison methods.
> It's technical debt.  When we go to value types there will be an infinite 
> number of array types.
> That's why in Project Valhalla we are thinking hard, before that, about 
> parametric polymorphism.
> We need to be able to have true polymorphism over APIs in T[], where T can be 
> ref, prim, or value.
> At that point, hopefully, what we have won't be impossible to retrofit.

Yes, i am hoping that many of the overloaded methods on Arrays with the same 
code shape can be "anyfied" and reduced in a source and binary compatible way. 
In that respect i feel a less guilty about proposing so many methods :-)

In this case we have the interesting interaction with Comparable: 

  public static <any T extends Comparable<? super T>> int compare(T[] left, T[] 

We certainly don't want to box for T == int when making comparisons between two 
ints. I presume, in this case, the intrinsic array match method will deal with 
that aspect.


An alternative solution is to leave Arrays alone and just to go with the lower 
level System.arrayMismatch method proposed in JDK-8044082 and then wait for 
value types. However, it requires significantly more work to write an 
intrinsic, which may put it at risk for the 9 time frame.


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