On 03/10/2015 02:55 PM, Roger Riggs wrote:
ProcessHandle is designed to not to have an external implementations (the constructor is package private).

I don't see a purpose in this. You can still subclass it freely, because you can subclass Process which is-a ProcessHandle. I think it can be an interface (see previous post).

For the same reason Process is designed to support custom/external implementations (for platforms not directly supported by Oracle, for example), there is a reason to support costom/external implementations of ProcessHandle. But we should not stop at what we have now. Instead of static factory methods creating just internal implementations, we could add a Process[Handle]Spi locatable via ServiceLoader to fully support external implementations for the whole API (static methods too). This can be added later if it is too much work for JDK9.

What do you think?

Regards, Peter

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