Hi Heiko,

On 04/20/2017 09:38 AM, Heiko Wagner wrote:
Sorry for my ignotance, but I need some advice on how to properly write
a desktop app that uses JAX-WS to pull some data from a WS-I Service.

I can understand why JAX-WS is deprecated and marked for removel to help
out the Java EE crwod to migrate their application servers to JDK9, but
I don't fully understand what the right thing would be to do in my
situation. Is the java.xml.ws module just "moved" to Java EE or is it
completely removed and replaced with a module that has a new name?
Java EE technology related modules are all 'upgradeable modules'.
The upgrade process is based on module naming scheme.
So Java EE related module names shouldn't change in the future.
And yes, they are "moved" to Java EE.
In the first case I ussume it would be the right thing to decare a
dependency on java.xml.ws and rely on the presence of the module in Java
SE 9 and ship a module implementing JAX-WS in Java SE 10 along my
In the latter case, is there already a proper new module name or module
alias I can depend on in my application?

Thanks for the help,



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