Hi Peter,

Your reasoning has personally convinced me that a method like `isEmpty()`
would pull its weight. However, at the risk of bikeshedding, I think it
should be named differently, as `isEmpty()` immediately makes me think that
`findModule()` returns a List, which I'd easily find confusing.

How about `isNotPresent()` instead?

Best regards,

On 22 April 2017 at 10:40, Peter Levart <peter.lev...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Seeing the following line in some JDK test that was up for review:
>     return cf.findModule(target).orElse(null) == null;
> I immediately jumped to suggest it would look better if written as:
>     return !cf.findModule(target).isPresent();
> But then I leaned back and asked myself: "Would it really?"
> The boolean negation in front of a chain of method calls tends to visually
> disappear from the view when we finally reach the offending method and
> might get missed when quickly browsing the code. In this respect,
> ".orElse(null) == null" is actually better. But the best would of course be
> something like that:
>     return cf.findModule(target).isEmpty();
> What do you think? Would this pull its weight?
> Regards, Peter

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