On 3/28/18, 6:14 AM, David Lloyd wrote:

The current wording (which pre-dates your changes of course) reads more like
API advice. I think it's a bit confusing too as it doesn't define what a
"flush marker" is. I think we will need to re-word that sentence to make it
OK.  I am at a loss for a better way to explain it though; any suggestions?
I've implemented all the other changes except for this one.  Latest
version is attached, online version is here [1].

"flush marker" was copy/pasted from the original zlib.h api doc when I added the support for different flush options. It might be better to put it is a apiNote. A "flush marker" in this case is a 5-byte empty block, which will be output if the deflater does not have enough space to output the bytes and it is in full_flush or sync_flush mode. I think you can leave it as is for now and I will try to see if I
can move it around or add some understandable wording, if I can.


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