An initial prototype of the jpackager tool has been pushed to a new 'JDK-8200758-branch' branch in the JDK sandbox [1]. If anyone is interested in taking a look, you can clone it as follows:

    hg clone
    cd ./sandbox
    hg update JDK-8200758-branch

I plan to reply to the feedback already provided, and update the JEP [2] next week some time, but in the mean time if you have additional questions or comments, feel free to reply.

-- Kevin


On 6/27/2018 3:30 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
We're aiming to get this into JDK 12 early enough so that an EA build would be available around the time JDK 11 ships. That will allow you to take a jlinked image with JDK 11 and package it up using (the EA) jpackager.

We will create a development branch in the JDK sandbox [1] some time in the next week or so so you can follow the development.

Also, thank you to those who have provided feedback. I'll reply to feedback soon and then incorporate it into an updated JEP.

-- Kevin

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