"The input to jpackager includes: a Java runtime image, and a Java application 
in one of several formats..."

Will it be possible to NOT include the JRE, but specify instead a pre-existing 
location for the JRE?

As an example use-case consider an office productivity suite where there are 
separate installers for a word processor and a spreadsheet application.  These 
applications are independent and can be installed in any combination (word 
processor only, both, spreadsheet only).  However they are part of the same 
versioned application suite and have been developed and tested with a 
particular JRE.  Only a single JRE needs to be installed.  The applications can 
share it.  This is not the same as using a system-wide JRE (is that even 
supported for Java 11 and beyond?).  But a shared private JRE controlled by the 
application developer.

This is similar but not the same as the proposed "Multiple launchers" feature 
(if time allows), as the shared JRE could be used by different software 

In many cases the JRE is a very large part of the software installation, both 
in terms of the size of the distributed installer package and the storage 
requirements of the installed application.  JRE sharing can help with this.

I'm thinking that eventually we could get to the point where developers could 
treat the JRE as a versioned dependency, also covering the case of customized 
JRE images.  I don't propose that this jpackager tool be involved in creating 
or distributing such JRE images, only that it supports running applications 
using a pre-installed JRE where the location can be determined at installer 
build time or perhaps install time.

This was possible with the javapackager tool.


> On Jul 25, 2018, at 7:12 PM, Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushfo...@oracle.com> 
> wrote:
> Thank you to all who provided feedback. I have updated the draft JEP [1], and 
> I think I have incorporated most of the feedback I received. Specifically, I 
> have reorganized and reworded a few things for clarity, added '.exe' and 
> '.app in a .dmg' native package format to the list of features, and added the 
> service bundler (daemon) feature to the "if we have time" list (at the top of 
> that list).
> Please let me know if I missed an important point. I hope to submit this JEP 
> in the next week or two.
> -- Kevin
> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8200758
> On 5/30/2018 5:10 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>> I would like to propose the following Draft JEP [1] for discussion.
>> JDK-8200758: Packaging Tool
>> This is intended as a JDK-scope replacement for the existing javapackager 
>> tool that ships with Oracle JDK 10 (and earlier Oracle JDK releases), and 
>> was delivered as part of the JavaFX build. The javapackager tool has been 
>> removed from Oracle JDK 11 along with the removal of JavaFX.
>> Comments on this JEP are welcome. It is currently not targeted for a 
>> specific release, but we are aiming for JDK 12.
>> -- Kevin
>> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8200758

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