On 18/09/2018 18:52, Jim Laskey wrote:
Please review the code for String::transform. The goal is to provide a String 
instance method to allow function application of custom transformations applied 
to an instance of String.

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jlaskey/8203442/webrev/index.html
jbs: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8203442
csr: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8203703
I hate to bring up naming but if I have a Stream<String> or Optional<String> then I'll use the "map" method to apply the mapping function. Has this already been through the naming bike shed and it settled on "transform"? Maybe a different name was chosen after looking at code that would use it in stream operations? Maybe "transform" was used as the argument to the function is always text? I'm not interested in re-opening any discussions, just trying to see if options are captured in a mail somewhere.

I'm also wondering if this is general enough to be defined by CharSequence. Retrofitting CharSequence is always problematic and never done lightly but I'm just wondering if it has been discussed and dismissed. I don't think it could be done at a later time, at least not without changing the input type parameter so that the mapping function is Function<? super CharSequence, R> rather than Function<String, R>.


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