On Tue, 13 Nov 2018 at 15:44, Brian Goetz <brian.go...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Yes, we know :)  But we don’t have any current plans to do that, nor use-site 
> extension methods, nor does it seem likely to come to the top of the language 
> priority list very soon.  So its not a choice between |> and .transform(); 
> it’s a choice between transform() and nothing.  Picking transform() seems 
> pretty good here.
> Stephen raised the issue of a “broader context”; indeed, the intention of 
> adding a transform() method here was that it would be feasible to add to 
> other types for which it was suitable.  String is an obvious candidate for 
> “do it first”, but this is within a broader context.

I'd be more comforted if there was a commitment to add the method to
Stream and Optional in Java 12 or 13.

I also agree with Remi that `transform()` is a poor name for Stream,
and thus it is a poor name for String. I doubt there is a perfect
name, process() or apply() seem like good candidates.


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