On 11/13/2018 4:08 PM, Roger Riggs wrote:

A few high level comments:

The JDK already has a command option parser (JoptSimple) in the module jdk.internal.opt and the System Logger.  Why not use them for the argument parsing and logging?

We have an RFE to convert argument parsing to joptsimple that I filed last July JDK-8208300. <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8208300>

I spent a few days at the time prototyping it, and concluded it was a multi-week project.

The team decided it was not a priority for JDK12 and it is now targeted to JDK13.

Similarly, we've been encouraging developers to use the java.nio.file APIs and get away from java.io.File.  Try-with-resources could be used in a few places
to improve the closing of resources.

I can also see many places where the Streams functions could be used
to make the code easier to read (and write).  That's a missed opportunity.

What granularity of comments are you looking for?

We are looking for three types of comments:

1.) Specific show-stopper issues that would prevent you from approving the inclusion of this project in JDK12

2.) Specific small problems that could be addressed in the limited time left for JDK12.

3.) Any other problems or ideas for improvement that we should consider for JDK13 or future releases.


Thanks, Roger

On 11/09/2018 05:25 PM, Andy Herrick wrote:
This is an update to the Request For Review of the implementation of the Java Packager Tool (jpackager) as described in JEP 343: Packaging Tool <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8200758>

This refresh renames the packages used to jdk.jpackager and jdk.jpackager.runtime, removes the JNLPConverter demo, adds an initial set of automated tests, and contains fixes to the following issues:

JDK-8213324 jpackager deletes existing app directory without warning
JDK-8213166 jpackager --argument arg is broken
JDK-8213163 --app-image arg does not work creating exe installers
JDK-8212089 Prepare packager for localization
JDK-8212537 Create method and class description comments for main functionality
JDK-8213332 Create minimal automated tests for jpackager
JDK-8213333 Fix issues found in jpackager with automated tests
JDK-8213394 Stop using Log.info() except for expected output.
JDK-8213345 Secondary Launchers broken on mac.
JDK-8213156 rename packages for jpackager
JDK-8213244 Fix all warnings in jpackager java code
JDK-8212143 Remove native code that supports UserJvmOptionsService
JDK-8213162 Association description in Inno Setup cannot contain double quotes

The following additional issues are targeted to be address in the next few weeks:
JDK-8212936     Makefile and other improvements for jpackager
JDK-8212164     resolve jre.list and jre.module.list
JDK-8213392     Enhance --help and --version
JDK-8208652     File name is not passed to main() via file association on OS X
JDK-8212538     Determine standard way to determine if a Modular jar
JDK-8213558     Create more unit tests

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~herrick/8212780/webrev.2/

please send feedback to core-libs-dev@openjdk.java.net

/Andy Herrick

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