On Sun, 20 Jun 2021 07:25:54 GMT, Alan Bateman <al...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> GetApplicationHomeFromDll() fails if the path to libjli.so contains "bin" 
>> component (/tmp/bin/HelloWorld/lib/runtime/lib/libjli.so). TruncatePath() 
>> looks for "/bin/" first in "/tmp/bin/HelloWorld/lib/runtime/lib/libjli.so" 
>> string and then it looks for "/lib/". But this is wrong order as it should 
>> look for "/lib/" first. I.e. TruncatePath() should look for "/bin/" and then 
>> for "/lib/" if called from GetApplicationHome() and for "/lib/" first and 
>> then for "/bin/" if called from GetApplicationHomeFromDll().
> Is it possible to add a test for this that is completely independent of 
> jpackage? I think there are a few existing tests that copy the run-time image 
> to a new location for testing purposes.
> We may need to rename the JBS description to make it clearer what this issue 
> is about.
> A minor nit is that "pathisso" will be confusing to anyone looking at this 
> code, maybe find a better name or put a comment in TruncatePath to explain 
> it. I assume the comments at the findLastPathComponent use site will also 
> need to be clarified.

@AlanBateman any input on this issue from you?


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4534

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