On Mon, 14 Mar 2022 19:12:29 GMT, iaroslavski <d...@openjdk.java.net> wrote:

>> Sorting:
>> - adopt radix sort for sequential and parallel sorts on 
>> int/long/float/double arrays (almost random and length > 6K)
>> - fix tryMergeRuns() to better handle case when the last run is a single 
>> element
>> - minor javadoc and comment changes
>> Testing:
>> - add new data inputs in tests for sorting
>> - add min/max/infinity values to float/double testing
>> - add tests for radix sort
> iaroslavski has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   JDK-8266431: Dual-Pivot Quicksort improvements (Radix sort)
>   * Improved mixed insertion sort
>   * Optimized insertion sort
>   * Improved merging sort
>   * Optimized soring tests

hi Vladimir,

the main reason i raise the issue with catching out-of-memory-error is that 
it's done very rarely in production code and also it's rather unpredictable 
when multiple things are going on (e.g. one thread can allocate a lot of 
memory, but other threads receive `oome`).

i've searched through /src/ in openjdk/jdk repository for `oome` (i.e. this 
one) and found that most times the `oome` is caught is in `java.desktop` module 
(probably this means the `oome` was related to native memory or other resources 
external to jvm), so i've narrowed search to `java.base`: 
 and found just 2 cases of catching `oome` without always rethrowing it:
 (but this rethrows if it internally fails with `oome` for a second time)

overall, it seems that swallowing `oome` (i.e. in this case: catching and not 
rethrowing) is definitely not a readily used approach.

> We need additional buffer for int, long, float and double types only.
> We will have 2 constants which limit the number of int/float and
long/double elements in array, like this:
> (...)
> See, that the max number of elements for long/double is in 2 times less than 
> for int/float,
because long/double occupies 2 times more bytes.

sounds good

> Why do we need to use Math.min(…, Integer.MAX_VALUE)? (...) So, limit by 2 Gb 
> max is required.

yep, understood

> What do you think, what value of shift is the best, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 
> etc.?
> Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() >> 10??
> Do you have actual scenarios? Actual requirements? Your feedback are welcome!

keeping the extra buffer size below 1% of max memory should be safe enough. 
currently the code is:

    private static final int MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH =
            (int) Math.min(Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() >> 6, 256L << 20);
    // ...
    private static Object tryAllocate(Object a, int length) {
        if (length > MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH) {
            return null;
        try {
            if (a instanceof int[]) {
                return new int[length];
            if (a instanceof long[]) {
                return new long[length];

which means that in the worst case `sizeof(long) * (max memory >> 6) == 12.5% 
of heap size limit` would be used which is a lot when someone runs java code in 
memory constrained environment and that is rather common nowadays 
(microservices, containers, etc).


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/3938

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