On Mon, 4 Jul 2022 12:19:27 GMT, David Holmes <dhol...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Ryan Ernst has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   better clarify multiple threads behavior
>> Let's say we've run shutdown so run all the hooks but not halted. Then 
>> someone calls exit(0). That seems to suggest the call will block 
>> indefinitely, which is neither desirable nor what was actually implemented.
> If the hook threads do not halt then the exiting thread (which holds the 
> lock) blocks forever in the join(). Any other call to exit blocks trying to 
> acquire the lock. That has always been the way this works - if hook threads 
> don't terminate then the VM doesn't (unless someone calls halt() directly). 
> That is one of the things the window you suggested be closed, allowed - a 
> call to exit(non-zero) could force a call to halt().

@dholmes-ora @AlanBateman @kimbarrett The following 
[CSR](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8289824) has been filed to cover the 
specification related changes in this PR - please review as appropriate.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/9351

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