All trivial collection operations scream stream api and all stream api
operations imply a full copy or at least a full scan.

> so having trouble to write this kind of code is more a feature than an
issue :)

I love all Java code equally

On Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 11:21 AM <> wrote:

> ------------------------------
> *From: *"Ethan McCue" <>
> *To: *"Remi Forax" <>
> *Cc: *"John Hendrikx" <>, "core-libs-dev" <
> *Sent: *Wednesday, August 24, 2022 4:27:01 PM
> *Subject: *Re: Proposal: Collection mutability marker interfaces
> > so it's perhaps better to call add() inside a try/catch on
> UnsupportedOperationException.
> As much as sin is wrong, sketching out what that might look like...
> forgive the toyness of the example
> VS
> final class Ex {
>     private Ex() {}
>     /*
>      * Adds the odd numbers from 1 to 10 to the List then makes all the
> odds even.
>      *
>      * Takes ownership of the list, avoids making copies if it doesn't
> need to
>      */
>     static List<Integer> addOdds(List<Integer> l) {
>         for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
>             try {
>                 l.add(i);
>             } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
>                 l = new ArrayList<>(l);
> i -= 1;  // restart with an ArrayList
>             }
>         }
>         for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
>             if (l.get(i) % 2 == 1) {
>                 try {
>                     l.set(i, l.get(i) + 1);
>                 } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
>                     l = new ArrayList<>(l);
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> as Roger said, there is no way in Java to know if the caller has not kept
> a reference (unlike Rust),
> so having trouble to write this kind of code is more a feature than an
> issue :)
> This kind of examples scream the Stream API, which has the correct
> semantics
>   IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 10).map(i -> i % 2 == 0? i + 1:
> i).boxed().toList()
> Rémi
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 10:03 AM Remi Forax <> wrote:
>> ------------------------------
>> *From: *"Ethan McCue" <>
>> *To: *"John Hendrikx" <>
>> *Cc: *"core-libs-dev" <>
>> *Sent: *Wednesday, August 24, 2022 3:38:26 PM
>> *Subject: *Re: Proposal: Collection mutability marker interfaces
>> A use case that doesn't cover is adding to a collection.
>> Say as part of a method's contract you state that you take ownership of a
>> List. You aren't going to copy even if the list is mutable.
>> Later on, you may want to add to the list. Add is supported on ArrayList
>> so you don't need to copy and replace your reference, but you would if the
>> list you were given was made with List.of or Arrays.asList
>> You can ask if the spliterator considers the collection as immutable or
>> not,
>>   list.spliterator().hasCharacteristics(Spliterator.IMMUTABLE)
>> sadly, List.of()/Map.of() does not report the spliterator characteristics
>> correctly (the spliterator implementations are inherited from
>> AbstracList/AbstractMap).
>> so it's perhaps better to call add() inside a try/catch on
>> UnsupportedOperationException.
>> Rémi
>> On Wed, Aug 24, 2022, 8:13 AM John Hendrikx <>
>> wrote:
>>> Would it be an option to not make the receiver responsible for the
>>> decision whether to make a copy or not?  Instead put this burden (using
>>> default methods) on the various collections?
>>> If List/Set/Map had a method like this:
>>>      List<T> immutableCopy();  // returns a (shallow) immutable copy if
>>> list is mutable (basically always copies, unless proven otherwise)
>>> Paired with methods on Collections to prevent collections from being
>>> modified:
>>>      Collections.immutableList(List<T>)
>>> This wrapper is similar to `unmodifiableList` except it implements
>>> `immutableCopy` as `return this`.
>>> Then for the various scenario's, where `x` is an untrusted source of
>>> List with unknown status:
>>>      // Create a defensive copy; result is a private list that cannot be
>>> modified:
>>>      List<T> y = x.immutableCopy();
>>>      // Create a defensive copy for sharing, promising it won't ever
>>> change:
>>>      List<T> y = Collections.immutableList(x.immutableCopy());
>>>      // Create a defensive copy for mutating:
>>>      List<T> y = new ArrayList<>(x);  // same as always
>>>      // Create a mutable copy, modify it, then expose as immutable:
>>>      List<T> y = new ArrayList<>(x);  // same as always
>>>      y.add( <some element> );
>>>      List<T> z = Collections.immutableList(y);
>>>      y = null;  // we promise `z` won't change again by clearing the
>>> only path to mutating it!
>>> The advantage would be that this information isn't part of the type
>>> system where it can easily get lost. The actual implementation knows best
>>> whether a copy must be made or not.
>>> Of course, the immutableList wrapper can be used incorrectly and the
>>> promise here can be broken by keeping a reference to the original (mutable)
>>> list, but I think that's an acceptable trade-off.
>>> --John
>>> PS. Chosen names are just for illustration; there is some discussion as
>>> what "unmodifiable" vs "immutable" means in the context of collections that
>>> may contain elements that are mutable. In this post, immutable refers to
>>> shallow immutability .
>>> On 24/08/2022 03:24, Ethan McCue wrote:
>>> Ah, I'm an idiot.
>>> There is still a proposal here somewhere...maybe. right now non jdk
>>> lists can't participate in the special casing?
>>> On Tue, Aug 23, 2022, 9:00 PM Paul Sandoz <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> List.copyOf already does what you want.
>>>> Paul.
>>>> > On Aug 23, 2022, at 4:49 PM, Ethan McCue <> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > Hi all,
>>>> >
>>>> > I am running into an issue with the collections framework where I
>>>> have to choose between good semantics for users and performance.
>>>> >
>>>> > Specifically I am taking a java.util.List from my users and I need to
>>>> choose to either
>>>> > * Not defensively copy and expose a potential footgun when I pass
>>>> that List to another thread
>>>> > * Defensively copy and make my users pay an unnecessary runtime cost.
>>>> >
>>>> > What I would really want, in a nutshell, is for List.copyOf to be a
>>>> no-op when used on lists made with List.of().
>>>> >
>>>> > Below the line is a pitch I wrote up on reddit 7 months ago for a
>>>> mechanism I think could accomplish that. My goal is to share the idea a bit
>>>> more widely and to this specific audience to get feedback.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Important also for context is Ron Pressler's comment above.
>>>> > --------------
>>>> >
>>>> > What if the collections api added more marker interfaces like
>>>> RandomAccess?
>>>> >
>>>> > It's already a common thing for codebases to make explicit null
>>>> checks at error boundaries because the type system can't encode null |
>>>> List<String>.
>>>> >
>>>> > This feels like a similar problem.
>>>> > If you have a List<T> in the type system then you don't know for sure
>>>> you can call any methods on it until you check that its not null. In the
>>>> same way, there is a set of methods that you don't know at the
>>>> type/interface level if you are allowed to call.
>>>> >
>>>> > If the List is actually a __
>>>> > Then you can definitely call
>>>> > And you know other reference holders might call
>>>> > And you can confirm its this case by
>>>> > null
>>>> > no methods
>>>> > no methods
>>>> > list == null
>>>> > List.of(...)
>>>> > get, size
>>>> > get, size
>>>> > ???
>>>> > Collections.unmodifiableList(...)
>>>> > get, size
>>>> > get, size, add, set
>>>> > ???
>>>> > Arrays.asList(...)
>>>> > get, size, set
>>>> > get, size, set
>>>> > ???
>>>> > new ArrayList<>()
>>>> > get, size, add, set
>>>> > get, size, add, set
>>>> > ???
>>>> > While yes, there is no feasible way to encode these things in the
>>>> type system. Its not impossible to encode it at runtime though.
>>>> > interface FullyImmutable {
>>>> > // So you know the existence of this implies the absence
>>>> > // of the others
>>>> > default Void cantIntersect() { return null; }
>>>> > }
>>>> >
>>>> > interace MutationCapability {
>>>> > default String cantIntersect() { return ""; }
>>>> > }
>>>> >
>>>> > interface Addable extends MutationCapability {}
>>>> > interface Settable extends MutationCapability {}
>>>> >
>>>> > If the List is actually a __
>>>> > Then you can definitely call
>>>> > And you know other reference holders might call
>>>> > And you can confirm its this case by
>>>> > null
>>>> > no methods
>>>> > no methods
>>>> > list == null
>>>> > List.of(...)
>>>> > get, size
>>>> > get, size
>>>> > instanceof FullyImmutable
>>>> > Collections.unmodifiableList(...)
>>>> > get, size
>>>> > get, size, add, set
>>>> > !(instanceof Addable) && !(instanceof Settable)
>>>> > Arrays.asList(...)
>>>> > get, size, set
>>>> > get, size, set
>>>> > instanceof Settable
>>>> > new ArrayList<>()
>>>> > get, size, add, set
>>>> > get, size, add, set
>>>> > instanceof Settable && instanceof Addable
>>>> > In the same way a RandomAccess check let's implementations decide
>>>> whether they want to try an alternative algorithm or crash, some marker
>>>> "capability" interfaces would let users of a collection decide if they want
>>>> to clone what they are given before working on it.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > --------------
>>>> >
>>>> > So the applicability of this would be that the list returned by
>>>> List.of could implement FullyImmutable, signifying that there is no caller
>>>> which might have a mutable handle on the collection. Then List.of could
>>>> check for this interface and skip a copy.
>>>> >
>>>> >

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