On Fri, 23 Dec 2022 22:28:34 GMT, Markus KARG <d...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> I/O had always been much slower than CPU and memory access, and thanks to 
> physical constraints, always will be.
> While CPUs can get shrinked more and more, and can hold more and more memory 
> cache on or nearby a CPU core, the distance between CPU core and I/O device 
> cannot get reduced much: It will stay "far" away.
> Due to this simple logic (and other factors), the spread between performance 
> of CPU and memory access on one hand, and performance of I/O on the other 
> hand, increases with every new CPU generation.
> As a consequence, internal adjustment factors of the JDK need to get revised 
> from time to time to ensure optimum performance and each hardware generation.
> One such factor is the size of the temporary transfer buffer used internally 
> by `InputStream::transferTo`.
> Since its introduction with JDK 9 many years (hence hardware generations) 
> have passed, so it's time to check the appropriateness of that buffer's size.
> Using JMH on a typical, modern cloud platform, it was proven that the current 
> 8K buffer is (much) too small on modern hardware:
> The small buffer clearly stands in the way of faster transfers.
> The ops/s of a simple `FileInputStream.transferTo(ByteArrayOutputStream)` 
> operation on JDK 21 could be doubled (!) by only doubling the buffer size 
> from 8K to 16K, which seems to be a considerable and cheap deal.
> Doubling the buffer even more shows only marginal improvements of approx. 1% 
> to 3% per duplication of size, which does not justify additional memory 
> consumption.
> TransferToPerformance.transferTo 8192 1048576 thrpt 25 1349.929 ± 47.057 ops/s
> TransferToPerformance.transferTo 16384 1048576 thrpt 25 2633.560 ± 93.337 
> ops/s
> TransferToPerformance.transferTo 32768 1048576 thrpt 25 2721.025 ± 89.555 
> ops/s
> TransferToPerformance.transferTo 65536 1048576 thrpt 25 2855.949 ± 96.623 
> ops/s
> TransferToPerformance.transferTo 131072 1048576 thrpt 25 2903.062 ± 40.798 
> ops/s
> Even on small or limited platforms, an investment of 8K additonal temporary 
> buffer is very cheap and very useful, as it doubles the performance of 
> `InputStream::transferTo`, in particular for legacy (non-NIO) applications 
> still using `FileInputStream` and `ByteArrayOutputStream`.
> I dare to say, even if not proven, that is a very considerable (possibly the 
> major) number of existing applications, as NIO was only adopted gradually by 
> programmers.
> Due to the given reasons, it should be approporiate to change 
> `DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE` from 8192 to 16384.

Thank you for not rejecting my proposal. Indeed the starting point for this PR 
was the surprising experience with several existing applications that were 
using custom transfer loops with larger buffers being to be considerably faster 
than `transferTo` (Maven being one of them just to name some). Can I convince 
you to mark this PR as reviewed? Thanks! :-)


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/11783

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