On Sat, 4 Feb 2023 08:59:29 GMT, Alan Bateman <al...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> The non-hotspot tests integrated with JEP 425/428 were mostly TestNG tests. 
> We'd like to convert these JUnit in the main line in advance of other updates 
> to these tests in 21.  The changes are mostly mechanical and trivial:
> - BeforeClass/AfterClass changed to static BeforeAll/AfterAll methods
> - Tests using data providers are changed to parameterized tests
> - The order of the parameters to assertEquals are swapped so that the 
> expected result is the first parameter
> - Usages of expectThrows are changed to assertThrows
> - Tests that threw SkipException are changed to the Assumptions API
> There are a small number of drive-by changes to the tests, nothing 
> significant, e.g.
> - GetStackTrace and ParkWithFixedThreadPool changed from "@run testng" to 
> "@run main" as they aren't TestNG tests.
> - A few of the tests in StructuredTaskScopeTest for joinXXX are changed to 
> use a CountDownLatch rather than sleeping, as the original tests weren't very 
> robust.

Marked as reviewed by cstein (Committer).


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12426

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